We provide a free, no obligation assessment for students that are interested in sitting the 11+ exam.
The assessment is a natural aptitude test and the aim is to gauge your child’s suitability for 11+ preparation. After the assessment has been completed, we will call you to discuss the results. We will provide an honest opinion on your child’s chance of success in the 11+ and suitability for the relevant course. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
You can book an assessment online now. On 30/04/24 we will release the full schedule of classes that we will be running for the 2024-25 academic year. We will send this via email to all students that have been in and taken an assessment with us. We will also post all of the information on our website.
On Wednesday 13/05/24 at 6.30pm online enrolment will open for the 2024-25 academic year.
The assessment is a natural aptitude test and the aim is to gauge your child’s suitability for 11+ preparation. No preparation is required. The assessment tests the following topics:
Our Year 4 and Year 5 classes for the current 2024/25 academic year are sold out, with the exception of 2 spaces in a Year 4 class which takes place on Saturday morning at Farnham Common Junior School. If you are interested in taking a place in this class then please call our office on 01753 202798.
Students considering enroling on our Year 4 or Year 5 courses commencing in October 2025 can now book a free initial assessment. You will be able to come in from 25/02/25 onwards. We will list assessment slots for booking online below shortly. If you wish to arrange an assessment now, you can do so by calling our office on 01753 202798.
Ensure you have read through the course information which details how each of our courses are structured. Click the link to navigate to the course you are interested in.
Click here to visit our assessment page where you will be able to book a free initial assessment.
Online enrolment will open for the 2024/25 Year 4 and Year 5 11+ courses on Monday 13/05/24 at 6.30pm. We advise you to ensure your child has completed an assessment prior to enrolling. You can enrol online here.