Year 4 11+ Foundation Course - Bradley Tuition

Year 4 11+ Foundation Course

Course Information – Year 4 (Current Academic Year 2023/24)

All our Year 4 classes for the 2023/24 academic year are full and we are not able to accept any new students.

Course Information – Year 4 (2024/25)

The course is suitable for students entering Year 4 in September 2024. It is a complete and comprehensive course that covers Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The course starts at the beginning of November, just after the first half-term break, and concludes at the end of June.

The course fee includes everything a child needs to thoroughly prepare for GL 11+ exams. This includes all content required for the Berkshire and Buckinghamshire tests.

The course includes:

  • High quality books and test packs worth over £500
  • 28 teacher-led classroom lessons (2.5 hours per lesson)
  • Lessons led by the highest quality, experienced, qualified teachers
  • One Year 4 mock exam
  • A parents’ meeting with your class teacher
  • Small classes (a maximum of 14 children)
  • Priority access to Year 5 courses the following year

Why Choose Us?  

Lesson Structure

Each class will be led by one of the founders of Bradley Tuition or an experienced, qualified teacher. The lessons are 2.5 hours long. In each class there will be a maximum of 14 students, 1 qualified teacher and 2 support staff. The lesson is broken into three parts and is explained below.

Part 1 (65 minute teacher-led lesson) – During the first 65 minutes of the lesson we review last week’s homework topics. We will recap the techniques and review some of the trickiest questions to ensure everyone has a good understanding.

Part 2 (15 minute active learning break) – The break in the middle of the two main parts of the lesson will see the children get up and get active by playing games that will include a learning focus.

Part 3 (65 minute teacher-led lesson) – In this part of the lesson, we will teach the children a range of new topics. We will show them the techniques and methods required to master each of these topics and we will work through several example questions together, until each child is confident.


The children’s homework for the week will then be focused on the new topics covered in the final part of the lesson. Children will also have reading, vocabulary and comprehension homework to complete every week. The homework is expected to take 3-4 hours to complete, each week.

All teaching resources have been carefully selected and are of the highest quality. The children have access to specifically designed 11+ material that is not yet available for purchase elsewhere. We also source and provide our students with the best quality books and materials available on the market.

Free 11+ Assessment

We recommend that all children take a free assessment test prior to enrolment. This is so we can accurately assess their strengths, weaknesses and suitability for the course. You can find out about our free assessment and book a slot online here.

Course Fee

The course fee is £1930. A non-refundable deposit of £250 is payable to secure your child’s place on the course. 8 monthly instalments of £210 are then payable on the first of every month from 01/11/24 to 01/06/25. 

Availability 2024/25

You can view a full list of the classes we have available by downloading our Year 4 course information brochure here. The list of classes is available to view on the final page.

Online Enrolment

Online enrolment will open to new students on Monday 13/05/24 at 6.30pm.

A new webpage will appear on the link below at 6.30pm on Monday 13/05/24. At this point, the page will display all of the available lesson slots. Enrolment instructions will be clear and easy to follow. Places are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

How to Join

1. View Course Information

Ensure you have read through the course information which details how each of our courses are structured. Click the link to navigate to the course you are interested in.

Year 5 11+ Course

Year 4 11+ Foundation Course

2. Book A Free Assessment

Click here to visit our assessment page where you will be able to book a free initial assessment.

3. Online Enrolment

Online enrolment will open for the 2024/25 Year 4 and Year 5 11+ courses on Monday 13/05/24 at 6.30pm. We advise you to ensure your child has completed an assessment prior to enrolling. You can enrol online here.

Register Your Interest

  • Regsiter your details below and we will get in contact to provide further information.

  • Child's Details